Children's Books

All Books for Children published by the Seerah Foundation.

Photo by Gabby K from Pexels

In 2008 Seerah Foundation began publishing new children's books to expanding the variety and iprove the quality of what is available for children.

We hope in sha Allah that our contribution in this area will be beneficial to many young Muslims, providing them with books to educate and inspire them. Strengthening their love of Islam, their connection to our history, and pride in our values.

Listed below are our available publications, sponsored and published by the Seerah Foundation. The purchase link will take you to the online book shop of our distribution partners at Kube Publishing.

Help us to print more books by donating to the Seerah Foundation. Contributing to the production of books for children is a Sadaqah Jariah for you. A continuous charity for helping the next generation of Muslims and future leaders of our Ummah.

Photo by Gabby K from Pexels

Buy all available Books for Children

The Jolly Jamaat

Written by Suzanne Stone
Illustrated by Marianne Hunter

It’s Eid, and the residents of Ummah Street are on their way to the park to pray. There are Muslims from all over the world living here. Will there be space for them all?
The Jolly Jamaat is a great rhyming and counting tale, that shows anyone can be a Muslim. The residents come from countries all over the world, but are united in Islaam.

20 pages, paperback, 2008.
ISBN: 978-0-907052-51-7

Time for Isha'a

Written & Illustrated by Suzanne Stone

It's time for the Isha'a prayer, and Dad has to get to the Masjid. Follow him on his journey and see who he meets along the way.
Time for Isha'a is a fun rhyming story of a journey to the Masjid. The collage style artwork and playful rhyme will appeal to children and parents alike, insha’Allah.

24 pages, paperback, 2008.
ISBN: 978-0-907052-53-1

A Day with the Dinosaurs

Written & Illustrated by Shirin Shamsi

Follow the adventures of two children, when a dinosaur fossil they find in their garden, takes them on an unexpected journey.

Published and produced by the Seerah Foundation.

24 pages, paperback, 1998.
ISBN: 978-0-907052-45-6

Allah lets us have fun

Written & Illustrated by Suzanne Stone

A rhyming story for young children, that teaches us to appreciate the things we take for granted. Allah has given us so much. We have so much to be thankful for. Sometimes it is easy to forget how blessed we all are.

24 pages, Hardback, 2009.
ISBN: 978-0-907052-47-0

My Mummy's Tummy

Written & Illustrated by Suzanne Stone

Maryam is so excited, her mother is going to have a baby insha'Allah. Will it be a boy or a girl? She can't wait to find out... But things don't always turn out the way we expect.
A wonderful rhyming story that children will really identify with, about the trials and many blessings of a growing family.

28 pages, Hardback, 2010.
ISBN: 978-0-907052-56-2


Written & Illustrated by Suzanne Stone

A rhyming picture book to teach children about Tawhid and other important aspects of Islam in a simple way.
Insha'Allah, children will begin to identify with our beliefs and come to understand the simplicity of Islam.

14 pages, Hardback/board book, 2010.
ISBN: 978-0-907052-57-9

Time to Pray

Written & Illustrated by Suzanne Stone

Time to wake up. Time for Fajr. Make your Wudhu and go to the Masjid. A rhyming story to teach children the benefit of prayer.
It's important to show this vital part in the life of every Muslim, in an accessible way. We can't overestimate the value of prayer.

12 pages, Board Book, 2009.
ISBN: 978-0-907052-45-6

Muhammadﷺ Encyclopædia of Seerah for Children

The only Encyclopedia of Seerah for children. With photos, diagrams and illustrations on every page, it is a great resource for young Muslims. Muhammad was a human, made of flesh and blood, like any other, but he was a perfect human in every sense and set a code of conduct by his words and actions. Unique and unparalleled in human history and will remain a guide for other men and women in every aspect of life for ever. It gives mankind a balanced view of everything.
Suitable for 11-14 years.

96 pages, Hardback, 1994.
ISBN: 978-0-907052-50-0

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Allah will raise up, to (suitable) ranks and (degrees), those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge. And Allah is well-acquainted with all you do. [58:11]
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